Recommended Reading for Style
Some people read to escape. Some people read purely for style. Some people read to learn. And most people read for a combination of these. But I think it’s accurate to say that most people also want to be entertained when they read. Books and stories evolved because people the world over told stories—in the beginning, oral stories. I think all people at some point want a good story. Perhaps, if your parents read you bedtime stories, this harks back to that. Or perhaps it is something much more intrinsic. Whatever the reason, once we have read a good book, there is almost a contagion, a deep longing to share. While I will never be able to list all the books I love, I hope to offer some you may not yet have read, and in so doing, offer you one of life’s greatest gifts: the chance to lose yourself in another world . . . even if just for a brief bit of time.
Below I try to group books into categories, however tenuous, where possible. Enjoy!
More Recommended Reading (Contemporary Fiction)
More Recommended Reading (Page-turners, Philosphy, Meditation, Self-help)
More Recommended Reading (Memoir)
More Recommended Reading (Nature)
More Recommended Reading (Children’s Stories)
Must-read books for style:
The Transit of Venus, Shirley Hazzard
The Sea, John Banville
Memoirs of Hadrian, Marguerite Yourcenar
The God of Small Things, Arundhati Roy